
  • Gatorade’s “Is it in You?” slogan was developed at the University of Florida with football players and prompted the question that launched an industry. In a world where teams at all levels of competition spare no expense in applying modern technology to enhance performance, it’s hard to imagine a time when athletes were discouraged from drinking even water for fear it would cause nausea and cramps.

  • Creating brand awareness, educating consumers and increasing market share was the mandate.

    Fully outfitted grass-roots marketing reps integrated with Gatorade sales and marketing teams.

    Deliver over 2.5M samples to consumers in an environment where it matters most to athletes’ hydration targeting 8-16 yr olds.

    Developed a Will to Win award that recognized young athletes nationwide.

    Gatorade created a fundraising program that helped minor sports organizations raise over $100,000 annually.

    1. 500,000 samples distributed of key seasonal flavor

    2. 50,000 tattoos and stickers given to youth athletes

    3. 5,000 Will to Win awards received.

    Impacted over 600,000 athletes across Western Canada to drive brand awareness and preference.

  • Strengthened Gatorade's brand position through grassroots marketing activations across Western Canada reaching over 600K athletes.

    Every athlete connection matters when you’re the face of the brand to create positive word of mouth.


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